Tag Archives: drawing

Pirates and princesses crowns


I wanted the children of my class to wear pirate and princess crowns then Irene came and said “that’s sexist isn’t it; boys will be pirates and girls will be princesses.” And I realized that I was stuck in the same way of thinking as people have always had; boys are strong and brutal and girls are nice and delicate. And life doesn’t work like that. Does it? There are girls in my group who like playing football, cars and playing rough ( pushing jumping and kicking) and there are boys who would rather sit down and draw or read a book than run after a ball .I finally decided that everybody will be pirates … next time I’ll draw animals and everybody will be happy.

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And I drew his body!

And I drew his body!

A couple of weeks ago the children were playing with clay ( making something for mother’s day …SHHHHH!) I took what was left over and made a head ( with a stupid look on his face … but that was an accident). After drying up he ( because it’s a boy) “stood” there depressed on my desk. After thinking for a while I understood why he was so unhappy; He wanted a body!!! And I did it! He complained at first because the clothes were too funky and there was no way he could flirt with anybody if he was dressed like that but … he got used to it! Actually, he’s on his knees because he is begging me to change his clothes :-)!

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Tipos de comedores.


  Dime cómo comes y te diré quien eres.


The veggie monster.


Estoy trabajando en un cuento para niños, algo gracioso sobre una niña que no come muy bien en el colegio y a quien le va a pasar algo sorprendente … ya veréis. El tema de la comida es algo que da mucho juego a la hora de dibujar y imaginar historias, todo lo que sea verde, rojo, amarillo o naranja se convierte para ellos en una atrocidad gustativa … ¿ Porqué no hacer un monstruo de toda esa verdura que aborrecen tanto? Tengo una amiga que come muy mal y sale siempre ultima del comedor, es la protagonista de esta historia. Os dejo disfrutar de las primeras tantas paginas del cuento, esta todo en blanco y negro porque no sé como pintarlo (esta todo en papel normal de impresora) ¿ alguien me puede dar ideas?  Espero que os guste.


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