Monthly Archives: February 2013

Christmas today?


I don’t believe in Christmas, it’s all about making money, selling, commercials and watching silly shows on TV. Some of you will say ” yeah but it’s also about sharing, giving, receiving, eating with the  family, cooking, being nice to each other!” . What?! and does it have to be on december 25th only? It can be Christmas everyday .. it’s all up to you guys!


Just some rats!

just some rats

just some rats

just some rats

just some rats



The area where the block of flats where we live was built is lower than the level of the river and, however far the river is ( some kilometers away) our subterranean car park will get flooded anytime the water rises ….. Anyway … I found a rat down there.

Just another rat

just another rat

just another rat

just another rat!

just another rat!